Home » Tutorial: Watercolor painting landscape – Sky above the Farm

Tutorial: Watercolor painting landscape – Sky above the Farm

Watercolor painting scenery tutorial- Sky above the farm

by artpaintingblog

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Watercolor landscape tutorial – Sky above the Farm
Tutorial: Watercolor painting landscape – Sky above the Farm

The sunlight shines above the clouds, clear blue sky, houses with red roofs, and large farmland. This is really a beautiful and peaceful space, It was also the inspiration for me to paint this landscape in watercolor.

This tutorial is a demonstration video available on my youtube channel. Thank you for watching!!!!

Necessary Materials

Brushes:  Da Vinci Casaneo Flat brush size 40, small and large calligraphy brush.

Paper: Saunder Waterford cold-pressed 300gsm watercolor paper is my choice.

Pigments: Here is a list of the pigments I used:

Lavender, Naples Yellow, Yellow orche, Indanthrone Blue, Ultramarine Violet, Red Violet, Lemon Yellow, Yellow Orange, Sap Green, Greenish Green, Indigo, Lilac, Van dyke Brown, Horizon Blue.

Other: HB pencil, Pallette, Pallette knife, Water bucket, Drawing boat, Toilet paper

In this painting, I only use these 3 brushes.

The Step by Step Process for Watercolor painting landscape - Sky above Farm

1. Make a Line Drawing

I sketch the composition with an HB pencil, the outlines are dark enough to be seen but easy to erase. Next, secure the paper to the drawing board with masking tape.

2. Paint the sky

I’ll approach this demonstration beginning with the background. So, I moisten the sky area by using a Flat brush soaked in water.

Paint the first color on the top of the sky area with Intrathrone Blue and let this color flow naturally. Use Red Violet on the bottom of the sky area. Darken in the upper part of the sky with more Indanthrone blue, Its value fades downward into the horizon. 

Keeps this layer very loose; notice, save lots of white paper, where I choose to leave white will become clouds.

3. Paint the Clouds of your watercolor landscape

While this is still wet. Use Toilet paper to lift up the pigment to create a white area where you want which is the edge of the clouds. Then wait to dry.

Paint the clouds in watercolor

When the paper is completely dry. Moisten the clouds area with clean water, while this is damp, paint the first layer of clouds with various light washes of Lavender and Indanthrone Blue, Let dry.

Next, Strengthen the shading on one side of the cloud by using a mixture of lower values of Lavender, Indigo, and a touch of Indanthrone Blue. Keep applying layers until you are satisfied with the intensity of the shaded parts.

4. Paint the Mountain and Trees of your watercolor scenery

Paint the middle-ground beginning with the mountain area, by using a mixture of Indigo and Sap green. Next, Paint the first step of the trees with a mixture of Greenish Yellow and Sap green. Next, add a little bit of Indanthrone Blue to that mixture to deepen the tree’s shadow to suggest the light coming in from the left.

Paint Mountain and Trees of your watercolor scenery
4. Paint the Mountain and Trees of your watercolor scenery

5. Paint the First Step of Foreground.

Apply a light layer of water onto this area, while this is damp. Use a mixture of Naples yellow and Lemon Yellow, vary this mixture from light to dark to paint the ground.

6. Scraping with a palette knife.

Continue to paint the trees. Deepen the darkest parts of trees by using Lavender, Indigo, and a touch of Sap Green. When the pigment on the surface of the paper is slightly moist. Use a palette knife to scrape off the paint to create trunks and branches.

7. Paint the Next Step of Foreground

Paint its second layer by using a mixture of Yellow Naples, Lavender, Lilac, Indigo, and a touch of Van Dyke Brown. This is a thick mixture and is gray in color. Vary this blend from light to dark in different mixing ratios to create an abundance of the shaded part.

8. Paint the first layer of the houses

By using Yellow Orange to paint the roof. Besides, paint the walls with Ultramarine Violet, and Yellow Orche in a mixture to paint from light to dark.

9. Add details of the Foreground.

While waiting for this to dry. Use a slightly darker version of the Indigo and Van dyke Brown in the mixture to paint the bare grass and rows of barren soil.

10. Paint the next step of the houses

After the previous layer is completely dry, let’s paint the second layer of the houses. Paint the details of the roof by using Light Red.  Use a darker version of the Ultramarine Violet, and Yellow Orche in the mixture to describe the surface of the old wall. When the area is dry, add windows to its by using a deep mixture of Indigo and Horizon Blue.

11. Developing the final details all over the painting

In the final stage. Continue developing the final details all over the painting such as the roughness of farmland, bare grass, and vegetation. Don’t forget to reduce the size and spacing of distant grass. Add an antenna on the roof of the house.

Finished watercolor painting landscape

Done!!!!…… I’m Happy 🤩🤩🤩

If you try to paint this painting for yourself, let me know what you think in the comments below. And don’t forget that this tutorial has a demonstration video on my youtube channel.

Watercolor landscape tutorial – Sky above the Farm

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