Do you know how to care for your watercolor brushes? The brush is the main tool in painting in general and watercolor painting in particular. …
Did you know that these things can improve your watercolor painting, helping you to paint so much better? No matter you are a beginner or …
Dogs are very popular animals in comics and cartoons. If you want to learn how to draw a Corgi, this is a very useful drawing …
Advantages of painting watercolor Why should you start painting in watercolor? Have you ever thought about the benefits of watercolor painting? Watercolor painting is very …
Best Student Grade Watercolor Paints Beginners Best Student Grade Watercolor Paints Beginners The line of watercolor paints for artists is quite expensive, and art supplies …
The best watercolor paint brands used by many artists for a long time for their artwork are clearest proof of the quality of watercolor.
Watercolor beginners are very confused about choosing the right watercolor paper. Because there are many paper manufacturers in the market and each brand has different …
Baohong academy watercolor paper is student-grade watercolor paper, the paper is made of 100% cotton allows you to create watercolor sketches

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